This Is Me

HayleyI started running in October 2014 at the age of 47. I have 4 children and my youngest had just started school so after 14 years of looking after my children it was time for me to do something about my fitness levels! My running journey began with the NHS Couch to 5k running app, recommended by my sister. At 6am one morning in the middle of October week 1 of the app was commenced. Since that day I have never looked back. I believe that in life you get out of it what you put into it and this is the same for running. In the last 3 years I have completed 36 park runs,18 x 10k’s, 4 x 5 milers, 5 x 10 milers and 9 half marathons. I am a member of an amazing running club, Almost Athletes, whose support, encouragement and training advice is second to none.

As well as being a mother to 4 children, I run my own hair salon so you can imagine that life gets pretty hectic and I often feel like I have 10 balls in the air and at any minute I’m going to drop one! Luckily I have an extremely supportive and understanding husband!!

I am now taking on my biggest running challenge to date, the London Marathon in April 2018. I will never forget the morning of October 2nd 2017 when I received the letter informing me that my application was successful. I was so shocked, scared and excited all in one moment. OMG I was going to train for a marathon!!!

I’ve set up this blog initially to record an account of my journey to VLM 2018. The good, the bad and the ugly will be included. I plan to keep it as real as possible and share as much of the knowledge that I gain throughout my marathon experience with you all.
